The Office of Disability Support Services at Fairleigh Dickinson University strives to provide
students with documented disabilities equal opportunities in higher education, including access
to all University activities. Students with disabilities are provided with the tools and support they
require to succeed in college through specialized programs. The office’s staff work closely with
faculty and staff to create an inclusive campus. Find out more about the available services. Here
are some of the most popular accommodations and supports that FDU offers for people with
The Office of Disability Support Services works with campus communities to ensure students
with disabilities have access to all aspects of campus life. The Office of Disability Support
Services staff reviews all documentation to determine if the student needs an accommodation.
Applicants should submit documentation at least 30 days before requesting the accommodation
so that the office can review it. To help students with disabilities, the guidelines below will assist
them in the process. Please note that you are not limited to these guidelines.
New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities: The OPWDD coordinates
services for New Yorkers who have neurological or developmental disabilities. They coordinate
services with a network of 500 nonprofit agencies. Eighty percent provide services through
private nonprofits while twenty percent are provided via state-run services. The agency has
thirteen offices located throughout the state. Apply for a position at any of these offices.
National Disability Advocacy Program: This program funds advocacy services for people living
with disabilities. This program promotes equality in human rights and allows people with
disabilities to participate in the community. The National Disability Insurance Scheme, (NDIS),
provides support for people with disabilities through a variety of means. Four print disability
service providers are also supported by the Department of Human Services. The Auslan
Interpreter Booking Service is a national service that helps Auslan users find interpreters.
Families can make the most of their money and time with these services.
Disability Support Services: Students may apply for academic accommodations through this
office if they have a documented disability. If the disability is related with a neurological condition
or chronic illness they may be granted accommodation. This office also provides documentation
regarding mobility impairments. Students can also be assisted by the office with academic
accommodations. Students who are unable or unwilling to provide documentation about their
disability can apply for reasonable accommodations. The office can help students with
documentation related their disability.
Student Rights: The Americans with Disabilities Act protects student rights. These
accommodations may include reduced distraction testing, extended exam time, accessible print
materials, and classroom accommodations. Other services may include notetakers and
interpreters, and housing and meal plans. Students may also qualify for personal assistance like
transportation or sign language interpretation. The process can be complicated and may require
additional documentation. It is important that you have a written record of the disability to get the
best accommodations.
Bunker hill Community College provides assistance for students with disabilities. Counselors are
available Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. by email, telephone, or via virtual sessions. If you
have a documented disability, students with disabilities should schedule an appointment with the
Office for Students with Disabilities in room E222. Online testing appointments can also be
requested. In-person meetings are available Monday through Thursday.